Over the last 30 years and more, none of the goals Co.Mac has reached could have been possible without the people that work and that are at the heart of every initiative. Passion, expertise and capability in quickly responding to the continuous transformations of a global and competitive market make us a strong international company, always ready for innovative challenges. Taking care of what is around us, sustainably and consciously, it’s a duty – the deep roots we have in our territory allow us to turn our eyes toward the future, over the world.
Daniele Gotti,
Managing Director

Get together with Co.Mac
We are looking for women and men who are determined and for whom teamworking is the essential element. We look for them and we want them solid, passionate, concentrated on their goals among which, first, the customer satisfaction. We are people that love their job and take inspiration form whatever surrounds us. We do not want to stop learning, because curiosity and the wish to realise one’s potential are our distinctive elements. We have created a peaceful environment, because friendliness and respect lay at the base of every organization. Anyone knows he/she matters and can make the difference for the other. If you recognise yourself in this approach towards the organisation, you are the right person
Promotion plans, variable remuneration.
Performance management, career paths,
international experiences, training and
Working-time flexibility, remote working,
services to individuals.